Monday, September 20, 2010

We are taught to count from 1 through 10 in our first lesson in mathematics, later we are told that these numbers increase progressively & they are non equal, well what if I show using some more techniques learnt later in my sojourn in mathematics that this is untrue, does it mean we have been living a lie? & all these so-called mathematical proof to explain inventions & innovations such as the internet & bluetooth technology is just mumbo jumbo to blind our eyed from the fact that its JAZZ, oyinbo JAZZ. Well I don't have proof yet but this is a start cos if the "=" is a lie, then all of mathematics might just be a lie, or maybe its just me screwing with your heads, I'm a big fan of conspiracy theories so here goes let's see how far I can take this :D

Consider 2 equal integers x & y
x - y = 0
x = y .............(1)
x^2 = xy
x^2 - y^2 = xy - y^2
(x-y)(x+y) = y(x-y)
x + y = y
From 1, x = y
y + y = y
2y = y
2 = 1